Event Luzein

Autumn shooting in St. Antönien, pistol 50/25m

Autumn Shooting Pistol Club St. Antönien


05.10.2024 from 13:00 to 17:00 o'clock
06.10.2024 from 11:00 to 17:00 o'clock
Pistol range

51st Autumn Shooting St. Antönien
The Pistolenclub St. Antönien conducts its traditional autumn shooting with a group stitch on the distance 50 m and a payout on the distance 25 m. The well-known event is attended by shooters from many pistol clubs, pistol clubs and shooting societies from several cantons. The Pistolenclub St. Antönien has a modern electronic SIUS system 50 m.


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